10 September 2013

Baby Genealogist

The last few months have been very busy, but not necessarily with genealogy. It seems I underestimated how difficult it would be to keep up with my research while raising an infant. There have been times when she has woken up from a nap and tried to help me - mostly by grabbing books and crumpling up printouts of census pages. I like to think those are signs of a future genealogist. I am fairly certain I never had a census in my tiny little hands at five months of age...think of how far ahead of the curve she will be!

I finally made time to record her birth in the bible of her fourth great grandfather. She sat in my lap as I recorded her birth among the generations before her, including the entry my mother made for me.

I also started to complete the 52 Questions in 52 Weeks project from Steve Anderson in the FamilySearch Blog found here. My husband and I each answer the question every week and we email them to the grandparents to collect their responses. It has been very interesting for me to read the responses and I hope one day my daughter will appreciate being able to learn more about her parents and grandparents by reading our own personal histories.